Thursday, March 30, 2017

Blog Stage 3: Editorial Article

The opinion article written by Charles M. Blow in the New York Times, took side against current president Donald Trump and agreed with protesters attempting to keep him out of office. In this article he spoke about all the points that make President Trump look like the least trustworthy candidate. Blow brought up his refusal release his tax forms, his ongoing connection with past businesses, and his emphasis on topics that have no mere importance such as his daughter's fashion line rather than actual important politics. He also briefly talked about the Trump Muslim Ban which has stirred up a lot of controversy recently and makes President Trump look more bad than good.
The most powerful part of his opinion article happened when he started comparing the current situation to past human rights, he compared current protests to Rosa Parks choice to stay in the front seat of the bust. He compared it to the LGBT riot at the Stonewall Inn, the march across Edmund Bridge, the women suffrage parade in Washington. He encouraged people against Trump to be disruptive, as disruptive is a badge of honor. Throughout the article I agreed with Charles Blow because there is nothing wrong with protesting if the protests are for a basic human rights reason. Blow has worked for the New York Times since 2008. He has a Bachelor's degree in Mass Communications and specializes in information graphics. Considering his experience with the New York times and working with information, I believe he is in a correct position to argue against a Trump Presidency.

Blog Stage 2: Article Introduction

In the Article posted on BBC, Russia is accused of "hijacking" the United States election. Prior to election day, Russia released a disinformation campaign in order to harm Hillary Clinton's results and increase voters in favor of Donald Trump. When Russian President Vladimir Putin was confronted about the situation he denied releasing any false information or intervening with the election in any way. This article is important for people to read because it could have easily impacted the recent United States election even if there is no proof, it's important to know about it because it affects the future of our country. In a way, the election was tampered with it and it's interesting to know that our election was something talked about in other countries not just ours.